Thursday 5 March 2015

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 is a very important act which focuses on public safety during the transportation of dangerous goods by different means of transportation like trucks, trains, ships, airplanes etc. There is a systematic way to load, unload and transport goods from one place to another. But in case of dangerous goods, there's always a need to handle them more carefully. We often see that accidents involving dangerous goods are always big and scary. When you are dealing with dangerous goods there are a lot of things to keep in mind like you should know what are the goods, what is their state, dangers or hazards related with them, how to handle them etc. The most important thing is the signs and labels, you should know what the signs and labels are stand for and the precautions to be taken in each case. What personal protective equipment like safety shoes, gloves, glasses. helmet is necessary to wear while dealing with different dangerous goods.

Dangerous symbols:

Personal Protective Equipment:

I hope you guys like this post about transportation of dangerous goods act, for more detailed information i would recommend you to go to

Monday 2 March 2015

Refusing Unsafe Work

Occupational Health and Safety Act provides workers with the right to refuse unsafe work. If a worker do not feels comfortable while doing some work or he/she have any problems doing the work than they have the right to refuse the work. In that case, they should inform their immediate boss about the situation that may cause danger to their health and safety. 

Image result for refusing unsafe work

It's the duty of supervisor to take action about the situation reported to him/her by the worker and the worker's responsibility is to stay at a safer place near the workstation. The supervisor should also call the inspector to examine the situation and investigate the refusal of work. After that, the inspector shall give his/her decision in writing to all the parties involved.

Friday 27 February 2015

Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness (RSI) Day

Tomorrow February 28 is the Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day. So i'm sharing a video in this post from YouTube and i suggest you guys to watch the video and spread awareness about the Health and Safety Act. It's important for all the workers/employees to know everything about their work related health and safety. All the workers have some Rights and it's very important to know those Rights. Workers who don't know their rights can become a victim of discrimination at workplace. So i strongly recommend all the workers to go this website  and find out about all the rules, rights and guidelines related to their work. All workers have the Right to return home each day safe and sound.  

Tuesday 24 February 2015

How to protect System Programmers during work?

System Programmers are very highly skilled IT persons. Many companies need system programmers in today's technological world to do the programming as required by the companies. Their job involves sitting in front of their computers or laptops for a very long time. They didn't want anybody to disturb them because they love their work and they are too deeply involved into it. So the safety of their health becomes the responsibility of the company. The main thing that cause injuries to programmers is mainly their "POSTURE". When it comes to system programmers, it's all about the way, the pose in which they are sitting. Therefore, it becomes very important that they feel comfortable while sitting. There are very different methods which helps to protect system programmers from injuries like Upper back pain, Shoulder pain, Headaches, Dizziness etc. I will discuss few methods with you:

  • Providing them Ergonomic Chairs - These chairs are very effective and helps in good posture, provide support to the lower back and helps in reducing back pain.

  • Adjustable Monitors for Programmers - Due to long shifts of working it becomes really important for programmers to work with the monitors which can be adjusted according to the eye level or to the position they feel comfortable for doing work.

  • RSI Exercises - These exercises are basically involved with stretching of the Fingers, Wrists, Neck, Shoulders etc. RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury. The exercises helps in preventing yourself from RSI.                                                                                                                                                            

        Friday 20 February 2015

        Importance of WHMIS Symbols

        Retrieved from:

        Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHIMIS) provides the all important information about the symbols and safety necessary for the jobs. It shows us what are the risks involved in the materials that workers deals with on their jobs on regular basis. It also explains what precautions are to be taken while handling hazardous material. For more information related to WHIMIS you can follow the link